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On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 3:10 AM, Florian Effenberger
<> wrote:
oh, sorry, I think I've explained it wrong. ;-)
I meant not with the wiki, but with ImageMagick. Can anyone let ImageMagick
convert those files on his machine, to see if they look ok then?

The PNG thumbnail of this SVG image shows up fine on the File: page,
so maybe there are some nuances to the bug?:

Here's my test case:

On (Ubuntu 12.04.2 + ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2012-08-17 Q16) I used the
following command line to convert the SVG -> PNG:

qubit@loopbackoffice:~/scratch$ convert -background white -thumbnail
351x112\! Impress_remote_logo.svg PNG:Impress_remote_logo.png

The PNG looks fine to me.

The wiki does nothing else than invoking the "convert" tool and displaying
the results. So, if ImageMagick per se can't handle this, I know where to
investigate. :-)

It works on my machine, but I'd try to repro on the webserver with the
same 'convert' binary and with the same args (note that I'm guessing
on the size params, so perhaps that has something to do with the


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