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       That's the problem with OO --> LO; this program uses most of the RAM
therefore you cannot have other programs open at the same time.

       Therefore, the only solution I know is to save the file --> close
the program --> then open your other program(s)  ;-)

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 6:46 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz <>wrote:

Good evening
I am struggling to make a certain CAT tool (memoQ) work with very
complex (crazy) Word files.
Since that did not work, I tried to save a file as ODF file and use that.
Apart from the trouble I have otherwise ...

When I click in Internet Explorer on that particular file to copy / move
/ delete etc. it ...
Explorer hangs (crashes) and tells me, it is not responding.
This happens even if I restart the computer and NO OTHER software except
IE is running.
And this happens ONLY with this particular LO file.
It is not a "read only" file.
LO files stored in their specific folder do not cause problems.

The above file ... when I want to delete it, the only way to accomplish
that is to open LO Writer,
click file open -> select that file and then hit "Del".
File location (desktop, any drive, any folder) has no influence on this

Has anybody any idea what this strange behavior may be due to?
Can possibly offer a solution?

Thank you.

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