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Im not sure if anyone else agrees with me, but is there a way that
moderators can be notified if someone else has moderated a message? Lets
say i moderated a message and allowed it to its respective list how will
other moderators know that the message has already been moderated or is
that handled by the back end?

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Florian Effenberger <> wrote:


Jonathan Aquilina wrote on 2013-05-07 17:12:

What was this generated by? can as well statistics be generated on a per
moderator basis?

it's a shell script.
What do you mean by a per moderator basis? Mailing moderators individually
with their stats?

I think that doesn't make sense. It takes development work for the script,
plus someone to maintain the list of what to send to whom. Interested
moderators can simply subscribe to this list (which they should do anyways)
and are in the loop...


Jonathan Aquilina

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