Is the Writer Status Bar description being updated?

Until today, the status bar that shows the page number, word count etc., displayed the page number info like so:

Page M of N (Page X)

where M was the current page within the document, N was the total number of pages, and X was the page number as displayed on the bottom of the page itself. This matched the callout that appears if you hover over that field.

But today I noticed it had changed in my document to displaying a confusing:

Page M of N (Page M-1 of N-1 to print)

So I've lost the display of the page number shown, and it seems to be telling me there is now one less page to print than there actual pages.  I couldn't find an explanation by googling.

I found the but that is marked as only relevant up to v 6.0, and is a little on the terse side, especially when compared to a page like (which is clearly wrong and out of date in many respects now).

I was just wondering if the status bar is planned to be fully documented in the upcoming, updated guide?

(If so, I would enjoy learning what my page count display area now means!)
