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Guilhem Moulin <> wrote on Wed, 19 Dec 2018 09:54:08 +0100:

Yup, according to my notes upgrades were manually rolled out (one
hypervisor at a time) on Sat Dec 1st and Sun Dec 2nd between 01:00 and
03:00 UTC. :-)

well done!

Ah right, I meant OS not firmware.  No strong feelings, but given there
is nothing from 6.43.x we're lacking, I'd say the LTS branch (6.42.x).

Seconded, let's stay with the LTS version. You can upgrade both, RouterOS and the RouterBOARD firmware, in that order, makes sense IMHO.

I have a family celebration that day, but feel free to poke me in case of problems - RouterOS is one of the areas I can help out if needed. :-) There were quite some changes to 6.42, so best is to run /export before and after and do a diff, just in case. The release notes give insight on what has changed, especially wrt. bridge implementation and removal of master-port, which might affect us.


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