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I would like to be able to insert some unicode characters into writer doc but cant find a way to do 
this directly. Insert special char doesnt seem to be able to find the chars i want, but maybe i'm 
not doing something right. I have a workaround using calc; i can enter the hex codes as text (row 
1) and (row 2) use a formula =UNICHAR(HEX2DEC(A1)) filled acrosd adjacent column and finally copy 
row 2 and paste as unformatted text into writer. This works but is rather longwinded to say the 
least. It does show that its not a problem with the font or with writer's ability to display the 
required chars; its just that i'd like a way to enter them directly into the writer documext.
The chars in question were hex A723, A725, 1E25, 1E2B, 1E96, 0161 (this one i *could* use insert 
special char), 1E6F, 1E0F.
Build 1:5.2.2-0ubuntu2.1


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