Brochure templates -- Official and Community (easy on ink) versions

We have completed the template design of the official and community brochures. Thanks to all of the people who participated in creating these on the design list.

We can now start working on content for these brochures. There is a list of "brochure-types" on one of our discussions. If you feel like you are able to help out with content for any brochure-type, feel free to start a thread to develop the content. We should be able to compose content for most of the brochure-types and then offer these to our native language teams for them to work on.

We will need to prepare 4 brochures for each brochure-types (1-official A4 version; 1-official USLtr version; 1-community A4 version; 1-community USLtr version).

Have fun participating on the content creation.


The official version is really for off-set printers and the design notes on the centre panel should really be followed (the design font and colors are listed)

The files can be found here:





The community version is really for conferences, LUG meetings, small print runs on business/home printers, etc. The community version makes use of the community logo (it does NOT have the subline "The Document Foundation". It is also designed to be as "ink-friendly" as possible without compromising the look and feel of a LibreOffice brochure.

The files can be found here:







Just a quick update on the Marketing team brochure-types push.

There are now "workspace wiki pages" for each brochure-types that we will work on. You can find these on the brochure wiki page where the types as well as their links to the workspace may be found.[1]

The design of the "community brochure template" has been tweaked by Mattias (member of the design team). The white logo is better centered and the bottom green bar has now been put in the frame and locked into place. This will make it easier to use when inputting text.

You may download the new Community template version A4 and USLtr version on the wiki. The links to the new version may be found on the wiki brochure-types page[1]

Feel free to join us on the marketing list if you wish to contribute to the writing of any of the brochure-types on the list.

Native Language Teams: You can easily contribute to the writing of any of the brochure-types by discussing it with your nl marketing teams and sending in your suggestions to the marketing list. It would be nice to hear from any of the larger native language groups. We need input from all groups.


