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On 04/02/2014, anne-ology <> wrote:
          logic seems to be missing in some folks  ;-)

Here we go again...

From: Peter West <>
Date: Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

Every now and then ossers (open source people) get a bee in their bonnet
about something. Top-posting is one of those somethings.  The most popular
email clients default to top-posting. There's a reason for that.  On a
list, if you are interested in a particular topic, you will have been
following along as it developed, generally pretty quickly. You know what
the context is, and you just want to see what the latest contributor is
saying. If you need to check the context, you scroll down. So top-posting
satisfies the vast majority of use cases, and bottom-posting is a pain in
the vast majority. Easy.

The majority of humans on this planet have never seen a computer.
Thanks for speaking on their behalf.

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