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2015-07-29 12:39 GMT+02:00 Thomas Blasejewicz <>:

On 2015/07/29 16:09, Brian Barker wrote:

At 15:40 29/07/2015 +0900, Thomas Noname wrote:

Don't know. Indeed it shouldn't happen. Are you saving the documents in
LibreOffice's native .odt format or (unwisely) in some foreign format?

ODT format. As pure as it comes.

There sure is. Search for "TM" and replace with "TM" (no quotes). Put the
cursor in the "Replace with" field and click Format... . Under Position,
select Superscript. You might not want to Replace All, or you will change
things such as "uTMost"!

 If I understand you correctly: there IS no way of replacing a string of
characters with mixed formatting (like normal + superscript).

 Incidentally, you very probably shouldn't be using two superscripted
capital letters for this, but instead the single Unicode character "TRADE
MARK SIGN" (U+2122), which you should find in all normal fonts. Find this
at Insert | Special Character...; no need for superscripting.

I imagine that. However, xxxTM is the way the customer itself specifies
its product - as a registered trademark.
Would it be permissible (for me) to change that?

​Thomas, as an addendum to Brian Barker's post above, on your Linux system,
the trademark symbol can easily be typed in as a superscript by holding
down «Ctrl + Shift» and typing «u» followed immediately (after releasing
the two keys) by 2122» and taking «Enter» = ™....


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