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On 11/20/2013 4:16 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Sorry for the delay!  We seem to be a little slow in the last couple of weeks.

No problem. Thanks for the reply.

The 2nd table probably needs it's own ID field (yes, it's the right
term) even though it's not really going to be used at all.  Is each
row in the 2nd table unique to a Contact?  or do some contacts have
more than 1 row in the 2nd table?

I suspect that the Event Table needs to be a Query rather than a
table.  Queries look a lot like tables.  It might need to be a Form
instead though and i would build Forms by basing them on Queries.  The
Query would pull the information from both tables together then the
Form might be what you need to be able to type a name into in order to
get the details of that row of the Query.

I'm kinda clutching at straws here but i think you need to check on 3 things
1.  Give the 2nd table it's own ID
2.  Check the type of relationship linking the Connections table to
the 2nd one (ie 1 to 1, 1 to many, or many to 1, (many to many seems
3.  Try using an external back-end to store your data tables rather
than the internal one built-in

How you do that 3rd thing is still a bit beyond me but there are tools
such as Postgresql, MySql/MariaDB, HsqlDB and many others.  I don't
know which is best but it probably depends on how large the tables are
likely to be.  For any kind of contacts database it's likely to be
reasonably small so you could aim for the small, light and fast ones.

And thanks for the info. I'm off to read up on queries. I'm sure I'll have some more questions, and will ask them as they arise.


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