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pincopallino schrieb:
I'm a LibreOffice user since its birth, before I was using OpenOffice. I
have thus installed LO number of times on different PCs, without ever having
a problem. But today is different. I wanted to install the latest version
(3.5.1) on a PC with Windows7 64 bit where I have 3.4.4 installed. The
installer keeps on asking to shut down 3.4, which is not opened. I have
looked at the task manager, it's not there. I have rebooted, same problem. I
have used CCleaner to check the automatic startup, nothing there. It's the
first time I meet this problem, could it be a but in the installer of 3.5.1?
Thanks in advance.

From release notes

"For Windows users that have LibreOffice prior to version 3.4.5 installed, either uninstall that beforehand, or upgrade to 3.4.5. Otherwise, the upgrade to 3.5.1 may fail"

Kind regards

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