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since the topic recently came up again, and we had endless discussions on that already, I now simply "did it" and removed reply-to-mangling on all mailing lists - those hosted via mlmmj and those handled with Mailman.

Whatever position you look at, you find dozens of valid arguments on why you should or shouldn't do so, so you can as well flip a coin.

My main argument was that I have heard a zillion times "developers won't join lists with reply-to-mangling" - and since we definitely need more involvement of the developer community with those working on other areas, I simply decided to give it a try. (Now go on and hate me... :-)

This basically means that from now on, people have to use their "reply to group" or "reply to list" feature in the mail client, otherwise replies solely go to the poster, whereas they went to the list before. More than once, this lead to people erroneously posting private replies to the list and therefore the general public.

In practice, this should not be too much of a problem, since any modern client including webmailers should offer the group reply out of the box. Still, if it causes problems, please let me know, we can always remove it for individual lists.

Please, and I really beg you, do not start another discussion on why reply-to-mangling is good or bad, or why I now just enabled it without another discussion. I enabled it in first place, changed my mind during the months, but disabled it finally because I'd like to get more people involved on our lists. Discussing it over and over will bring us nothing - we tried that more than once.

So, if there are problems that are not just academic or philosophical, let me know. :)

Florian (who surely will be blamed for that, but, well...)

Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
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