SPI expenses for 2014

Hi all,

Please find below the SPI expenses. SPI pays some items for the
LibreOffice community with donations collected on our behalf. The below
list is the summary of 2014, beginning at 2014-07-22.

Hackfests Expenses EUR
Texas Linux Fest 951,9
Boston 976,89
Paris 1223,17
Seattle 548,08
Toulouse 1013,2
Munich 672,8
Sub total hackfests 5386,04
LiBoCon Bern 19775,87

US Events 3835,4
Brazil Events 2652,66
Dutch Event 639,39
Sub Totatl NLPs 7127,45
Legal fees 562,23
Domain fees 95,18
Stiftungstag 502,5
Ubucon 45,5
Donations given 154,5
Linux Tag 164,5
Sub total Foundation 1524,41
Grand total 33813,77

Kind regards