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On 06/10/2011 07:19 AM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
On 6/10/11 9:35 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

If anyone else wants to change/enhance his data, raise your voice now. :-)
I would add the following:

VoIP +39.02.320621813
skype italovignoli

Also, to solve the time problem, I would use:

Italo Vignoli (UTC+1, based in Milan, Italy)
Here's my vote for the contact's template.  Putting the geography first 
has the cognitive advantage of familiarity.  It's a relatively small 
detail though.
Italo Vignoli, based in Milan, Italy (UTC+1)
Mobile: +39 348 565382
VoIP: +39.02.320621813
skype: italovignoli
Apart from the the individual's contact format, I recommend that the 
contact process be (very slightly) re-worked.  Specifically, provide a 
unique email address for each;
    1) 'General Inquiries' (e.g.
    2) 'Press and Media Contacts' (e.g.

The benefit is that this raises the profile of the whole Press (with a capital 'p') ecosystem. The cost looks to me as being trivial. You probably know better.
One last thing.  In the following paragraph:
We have a dedicated group of press contacts who are happy to answer your questions about The Document Foundation and LibreOffice. *To receive a reply in time, we recommend contacting us directly at <>, which will be distributed to all contacts below.*
The phrase:

*To receive a reply in time,*
implies an already-established deadline.  If, on the other hand, we are 
letting people know the fastest practical way to get a response, the 
following phrases are more precise (at least for colloquial American 
English speakers):
*For the promptest response,*
*For the quickest response,*
*For the most timely reply,*

hope this helps,

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