Open Letter from Membership Committee - a follow-up

Dear Board of Directors,
what we are facing during the last days it's definitely something sad that will leave a scar in our history and memory.
2020 is the year where we planned to draw and shape our present together, celebrating our history and origin and forging our future always together.

Big changes like these are really often a source of frictions among the involved parties and it's not always easy to conciliate positions, interests and needs of all the people involved in the discussion.

There's a general tension between the board members that seems to be not solvable internally without someone external acting as moderator. This ongoing pandemic emphasized even more the lack of in-person meetings and opportunities to discuss face to face the controversial topics and re-gain the lost trust.

It's unfortunate to see that the great efforts and energies spent in an innovative marketing and communication plan, that was already planned to be discussed in the next days, after a first round of feedback, will be probably impacted by the recently announced move.
This project is far from being perfect and moving away with parts of the project because of internal conflicts in a body of our foundation won't apparently improve the situation for neither TDF nor the ones leaving.

The Membership Committee was already offering to mediate the ongoing discussions with the previous open letter.
Today we are renewing the offer to constructively work on the planned improvements and we would like to invite all the members of the Board of Directors to attend the planned shared meeting on October 14th during our 10th anniversary conference.

It's a really sad and bitter day just after our 10th anniversary, that we all hoped to spend together, planning for new exciting things.
We want to renew our offer to moderate conflicts and work in a constructive way to achieve a solution that could make all the parties satisfied.
