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On Tue, 24 Aug 2021 at 21:11:26 +0900, himajin100000 (Tomoyuki Kubota) wrote:
When I access through my home network
(combination of Wi-fi and FTTH) , the connection always times out.

I can access the website with my smartphone through the carrier's networrk,
but when I connect to my home network, using the same web browser, with no
configuration chages, the connection times out.

I can access other tdf websites with no problems ( actually I have been
failing to log on to bugzilla with my smartphone, but this time, I'm

Is there any restrictions on the web server side ? I'm afraid I might have
drifted off on the keybord and may have caused some excessively

Bugzilla and gerrit are hosted at the same place and reachable both over
v4 and v6 under the same subnet.  We don't have serverside restrictions
which would cause the connection to timeout.
If this is not the case, I would suspect a trouble in my ISP.

A traceroute could shed some light on this.


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