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Am 02.11.2011 18:12, schrieb Mike!:
On 11/02/2011 05:29 PM, Alex Tykhonov wrote:

11/1/2011 13:15, Mike! wrote:
I think the problem is that ipv6 is not working on the server, but the
DNS record has a AAAA record. disabling ipv6 on the server does not
solve that problem.
If I test, wget tries to connect to the ipv6 address for some time,
and after a time-out it falls back to ipv4. The time-out however takes
very long.
I suggest removing the AAAA record, or fixing the ipv6 connectivity ;)

We have already removed AAAA record. Could you please check now?

;; ANSWER SECTION:  60      IN      AAAA    2001:1af8:3100:a003:1::10

still comes up, but maybe it's still stuck in dns cache somewhere ;)
nslookup -type=AAAA

*** No IPv6 address (AAAA)-Entrys for avaliable.

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