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       But for some reason, common sense seems to be dead; and with it
disappeared learning from the past  ;-(

       With hope, maybe folks will listen to your well-phrased message  ;-)

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Tim Deaton <> wrote:

I don't think we need to remove existing features.  But I DO think we need
to focus on the "90% of average users".  Basically, I think LO should be
making sure it can do everything that MS Office 97 (15-year-old software)
could do, and do it just as well and just as easily.  If LO could do THAT,
it would eat Microsoft's lunch.

-- Tim Deaton

On 10/2/2012 2:45 AM, Marcello Romani wrote:

Il 24/09/2012 17:15, Mirosław Zalewski ha scritto:

On 24/09/2012 at 16:48, "webmaster-Kracked_P_P" <>

   We need to keep it with the
needed options for the 90% "average" users and not for those that are in
the last 10% or even those in the last 1% or less users that do so
complex work that the "average" user could not figure out why this is
being done or even how to do such a thing even with the needed

I totally disagree.

If user is unable to do something he wants with open documentation, then
is documentation fault. It should be fixed (made clear, verbose, use
screenshots or anything), not feature should be disabled.

There are many ways to speed up opening of programs. Some features may be
delayed or loaded on request. Application can be modularized - core
are loaded by default, other are loaded only if user wants them (take a
at LaTeX, GNU R, Miranda (instant messenger), even Mozilla Firefox to

*Removing* features is total no-go, because it will drive away these
users who
need them. And I don't think that LO is application only for 90% of it's
current users.

As much as I hate "me too!" e-mails...


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