help with wiki math syntax

Hi all,

I (or we FR project) need help on writing formulas on the wiki. I've asked for the MathJax extension to be added, but Manuel told me that a LateX framework was already there:

Working on the NLPSolver doc [1], I can't get the formula parsed correctly with the <math>...</math> syntax, for example <math>p_2</math>
should be interpreted in my example, but is not.
Could one of you tell me what I'm doing wrong? We have tried HTML syntax or TeX code and it seems we are wrong with both codes. Well I'm not very good in understanding all that, so I'll be happy of any help :slight_smile:


Thanks in advance
Kind regards


Hi all,

I (or we FR project) need help on writing formulas on the wiki. I've
asked for the MathJax extension to be added, but Manuel told me that
a LateX framework was already there:

Maybe it's not enabled?
To have math rendered, you have to set $wgUseTeX = true; in
