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Hi :)
Office Politics.  It sounds to me like Elizabeth is "being played" and that her boss wants to 
1)  'prove' that LibreOffice doesn't work
2)  get her fired or demoted by 'proving' she is incompetent 

How-To 'prove' that a tool doesn't work = give it to someone that 'everyone' is in awe of but has 
never done the type of task before and never used the  tools for anything else.  

How-To 'prove' someone is incompetent = Step1, give them a task that could be made to sound "easy", 
ie " 'just' a list of customers for mail-merging".  It helps if no-one else in the office has done 
the task or that anyone that has done something similar also has severe self-esteem issues or is an 
extremely advanced user that found the task trivial after studying the subject at college for 3 
years or something.  Step2, tell them what tools to use and carefully pick something that no-one in 
the office has any familiarity with so that there is no-one to trick into getting help from.  

I have seen this sort of thing happen quite often and fallen fould of it a couple of times myself.  
It's not always deliberately done.  Sometimes the aim is to "build the person up" rather than being 
part of a campaign to destroy them and that would be used as an excuse if you confronted them or 
raised a complaint about them.  

Recently i began to learn that a good way to "turn the tables" is to delegate the task to someone 
that is likely to be able to complete the task and give them more support than you were given, ie 
point them to the users-list and official documentation and let them know you don't think the task 
is trivial at all but encourage them into believing you think they might be one of the few people 
you know that is up to the challenge (ie generally empower them and leave them to get on with it).  
Perhaps set a couple of kids the challenge.  Either way once they have set-up the structure it's 
easier to get the real data into the database, perhaps one of the touch-typists would be good to 
delegate the data-entry part of the  task to?    

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 21/4/12, Andreas Säger <> wrote:

From: Andreas Säger <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: database
Date: Saturday, 21 April, 2012, 8:42

Am 20.04.2012 16:39, Elizabeth Lawrence wrote:

I have downloaded libreoffice in order to use the database. I can bring
up the database but the one I want use wont open the wizard for tables.
I have tried to uninstall libreoffice twice but it wont go. My blood
pressure is soaring - please help!

Liz Lawrence

So you installed Base only? This can not work.

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