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Hi Christoph, all,

2011/3/14 Christoph Noack <>

Oh, I have to thank you ... it's pure fun to see that much of the old
stuff can be useful (at the end).

No doubt it is terrible when great ideas get lost by the times... I'm glad
you did restore these icons from the past.

 Oh, that can be solved. We already have word count functionality in
Writer, but it is rather unusable ... it presents the result in a modal
dialog. Grrr.

Actually? Never mind... (-:  So it seems to make the development work to add
it to status bar a lot easier!

From my point-of-view, it is not required to count the words
instantly ... there is no issue in waiting for several hundred
milliseconds until we can be sure the user is "idling". Concerning the
latter, I think most of the time people writing text is spend on
thinking but typing. So we just have to make sure that it is clear to
the user that the word count is incorrect (if LibO is re-counting). I'm
not sure, but I think Word works the same ...

       <black>532 Characters (Document)</black>
       ... user starts typing ...
       <gray>532 Characters (Document)</gray>
       ... user stops typing ...
       ... system is re-calculating ...
       <black>561 Characters (Document)</black>

You're right at all. It is not required to do instantly. Actually it could
be easy to be implemented, so I'll include it in the step 2 of remaking of
Status Bar. It's great! :-D

By the way, I finally started the wiki page about this:
I've a doubt about the "Remaking", so if this word can be replaced by
another one more appropriated, don't think twice)

[...] Definitively a goooood idea, but I think there is no need to hurry.
Instead, all, please also support Nik's work on the motif creation (I'm
hoping that somebody is compensating my lacking involvement *g*).

Oh... I'm not confident about it. I think I'm not the right person to help
on the motif task. At least to creating a proposal. But I'm giving my
comments and suggestions soon I can.

[...] Someone know a easy way to upload the HTML code and change it in
a collaborative way (Like Etherpad or Google Docs was to text)? [...]

Phew, I don't know ... anybody?

So... I did no discovers about how to do that. Then I choosed to use
Dropbox, so I can share the folder with everyone that want to help editing
the HTML  and make proposals, in meantime showing the page to everyone

Just to remember: It's just HTML and CSS, so if someone could help me with
javascript (jQuery if it's possible) to improve menus and mplement state
changes, I'll be glad!

Now the next step is evaluating Status Bar items. I'll do some user tests
here in university to validate the new item arrangement and make it
justifiable from UX POV. *Bernhard*, I'd like to ask your help here, if
you'll have time.

But no hurry at all. :-D

Have a great week, Design gentlemen,

Paulo José O. Amaro
Estudante de Ciência da Computação / UFSJ
Webdesigner / Linked E.J.
Blogueiro /

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