Workflow for creating documents in the Documentation/Development wiki page

I have been known to be verbose at times, but here are my thought
about Step 1 of the Workflow list:

1.) The workflow begins with creating a new document or revising and
    existing document.
    a.) Create a new document using the latest chapter template
        (currently Also study and apply
        the principles of Producing-LO-userguides.odt. Both of these
        documents will guide you as you write your new document.
        i.) Naming convention for new documents: CCDDDBB-Name where CC
            is the book initials, DD is the LibreOffice version (33 is
            version 3.3 and 34 is version 3.4), and BB is the chapter
            number (two digits). For directions on formating the name
            of the document, see page 20 of Producing-LO-
            userguides.odt. For example, WG33-WorkingWithText.odt is
            chapter 3 of the Writer Guide for LibreOffice version 3.3.x.
               Book initials (CC):
                   GS = Getting Started
                   WG = Writer Guide
                   CG = Calc Guide
                   DG = Draw Guide
                   IG = Impress Guide
                   BG = Base Guide
                   MG = Math Guide
    b.) Existing documents already have a template. When editing one,
        you might need to update the template (first thing to check).
        Then make sure you have "change tracking" on (Edit > Changes >
        Record). Then review the document making changes as you go.
    c.) Uploading drafts to the appropriate draft folder:
        i.) If you have not already done so, request your user name
              and password for the Alfresco web site from the document
              team mailing list. (
        ii.) Then sign into the Alfresco web site. The path to the
              draft folder to which you should upload your draft:
              Repository (at the top) > English (left side) >
              Documentation > (appropriate folder for your document) >
        iii.) Click the Upload button (at the top) and a pop-up window
              appears. Click the icon containing a sheet of paper and a
              magnifying glass to browse to your draft file on you
              computer. Click the “Upload file(s)” button to begin the
              uploading. (uploading process is shown over the name of
              your file.) When the uploading is completed, the "Upload
              file(s)" button changes to OK. Click it. If the uploading
              fails, try again. (Some times it takes two or three tries
              to successfully upload a file.) The file now appears in
              the draft folder.
        iv.) Submitting your document for review: On the right side of
              the file look for “+More” Click it to open a drop down
              list. Select "Submit for review". (The file is moved to
              the Proofing folder.)
        v.) Report what you have done to the document team mailing
              list. (

    Perhaps this is too exact, and perhaps someone else can find a way
to say these things if fewer words.


Seems good and clean to me ... no need to get any shorter, congrats!


At the moment we are using a different naming convention. The one you
describe is probably better, but I would amend some details in your
paragraph above, as follows:

Name: CCDDBB (third D not needed)
Example: WG3303-WorkingWithText.odt would be Chapter 3 of the Writer
Guide for LibreOffice version 3.3.x.

Thanks for doing this.


> i.) Naming convention for new documents: CCDDDBB-Name where CC
> is the book initials, DD is the LibreOffice version (33 is
> version 3.3 and 34 is version 3.4), and BB is the chapter
> number (two digits). For directions on formating the name
> of the document, see page 20 of Producing-LO-
> userguides.odt. For example, WG33-WorkingWithText.odt is
> chapter 3 of the Writer Guide for LibreOffice version 3.3.x.

At the moment we are using a different naming convention. The one you
describe is probably better, but I would amend some details in your
paragraph above, as follows:

Name: CCDDBB (third D not needed)
Example: WG3303-WorkingWithText.odt would be Chapter 3 of the Writer
Guide for LibreOffice version 3.3.x.

    I did not proofread what I had written. I meant to write
CCDDBB-Name, but I added an extra D. I also left off the 0.

Thanks for doing this.


     I'm suggesting that our naming convention cover three types of
1. Drafts: CCDDBB-Name
2. Published chapters: AABBCC3-Name
3. Published book: AA00CC3-Name.pdf
     This identifies to what category a document in the draft folder
belongs: draft, or published. A draft would be a new document or a
revision of a published document. Once the draft has gone through the
approval steps, it is published with the corresponding naming convention
for published chapters.
     If the draft is a revision, then it would replace the earlier
published chapter. If the draft is a new chapter, it becomes a new
published chapter.
     Maybe what threw me was the Heading on page 20: "Naming convention
for published chapters." Later, the heading: "Naming convention for
published books." My mathematical mind asked: Then what is the
convention for draft chapters?
     Just a thought.
