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Hi John:

        I'm sorry ... I can't understand your problem with googleish because
when I did the survey and when I filled it I haven't this kind of
problem. I don't know why google is into the process's survey.

        About "Small Business", you are right ... it's better to know that, but
I didn't think on that when I made the survey. It was my fault.

        I can't understand why the surveymonkey site changed the language.

        Thanks for your feedback. I try to do better the next time,



Jorge Rodríguez

El vie, 28-04-2017 a las 08:34 -0700, John R. Sowden escribió:
I tried:
1) What is googleapis, a script that was attempted to be run? Sounds 
rather googleish to me.
2) In your categories of types of organizations, "Small Businesse" was 
not included. (knowing who the users are will help in improving the 
product to meet the need of the users).
3) On the following screen, the language changed from American English 
(Ubuntu's default in my case) to Spanish.  Although I took a couple of 
years of French in high school 50 years ago, it didn't help.


On 04/28/2017 07:48 AM, jorge wrote:
Hi all:

    I want to remember you the survey ... would you please answer it to
this link if you haven't done ?


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