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Yes, most people can read a pdf. That's not the issue here.

The issue is a customer wants to copy and paste the contents of the invoice
for his own bookkeeping processes. Copy and pasting from a pdf is not the
same as copy and paste from a spreadsheet. I have a specific need to save a
copy as a Microsoft Office readable format. I have been saving as a copy
for years as a Microsoft Word document for this one client, and it has
worked until recently. Most likely I did an upgrade on Libre Office and
broke something. I have found a solution, that saving only the spreadsheet
portion and sending that as an Excel document will work for him. Until I
figure out what I broke.

On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Dave Stevens <> wrote:

On Fri, 14 Apr 2017 16:33:01 -0500
QC <> wrote:

I've just discovered that when I save a copy of an invoice it's
saving the spreadsheet part as an image. This is not the behavior I

I'm running:
Linux mint 17 64 bit
KDE 4.13

When I save a copy of this file as Word 2007/2010/2013 (*.docx)
if converts the spreadsheets as an image!

Is this some setting? I've tried Googling, but it keeps showing my
link on how to save things as an image. Completely not what I want to

The older Word 97 format is not readable anymore by one of my
customers. If I save an 2003 .xml version Libreoffice can't even open
a readable document again!?

Are there some configuration details I'm missing?


something I often do is save as a file. you get to specify the file
name and location and can save as a .pdf. I think most folks can read


In modern fantasy (literary or governmental), killing people is the
usual solution to the so-called war between good and evil. My books are
not conceived in terms of such a war, and offer no simple answers to
simplistic questions.

----- Ursula Le Guin

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