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Beste mensen,

Even onderstaand bericht doorzenden: versies 4.2.7 en 4.3.3 zijn
beschikbaar !

met vr. groeten


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [tdf-announce] The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice
4.3.3 and LibreOffice 4.2.7
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:01:20 +0100
From: Italo Vignoli <>
Organization: The Document Foundation

Berlin, October 30, 2014 - The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice
4.3.3, the third minor release of LibreOffice 4.3 "fresh" family, and
LibreOffice 4.2.7, the last minor release of LibreOffice 4.2 “still”
family. Together, there are over 200 fixes for bugs and regressions.

LibreOffice 4.3.3 "Fresh" is a stable release of the more advanced
version of the software, and is targeted to users focusing on features.
LibreOffice 4.2.7 "Still" is a stable release of the more tested version
of the software, and is targeted to users focusing on continuity. Both
versions can be deployed in enterprise environments, according to
corporate policies, when backed by professional support.

"This is the first time we are releasing the fresh and still versions on
the same day, and this represents a good opportunity to explain that we
maintain two concurrent versions of the software to provide the best
option to both power and conservative users, because they focus on
different characteristics of the application", explains Italo Vignoli, a
spokesperson for The Document Foundation. "In both cases, though, we
strongly suggest to back enterprise deployments with professional
support, to get the best out of LibreOffice".

People interested in technical details can find change logs for
LibreOffice 4.3.3 here: (fixed in RC1).
Change logs for LibreOffice 4.2.7 are also available on the wiki here: (fixed in RC1).

Download LibreOffice

LibreOffice 4.3.3 "Fresh" and LibreOffice 4.2.7 "Still" are immediately
available for download from the following link:

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can
support The Document Foundation with a donation at

Short link to The Document Foundation blog:

Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
mob IT +39.348.5653829 - mob EU +39.392.7481795
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