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Hi :)
If swriter or LibreOffice is not in the list then another route is to open LibreOffice from the 
"Start" button - "All Programs" - LibreOffice - Writer

Then drag&drop an odt into the open window or use
File - Open
and then save the file again.  Something in that seemed to remind Xp that i had LibreOffice and it 
started to show up in the "Open With" and "Choose program" places after that.  Usually LibreOffice 
just grabs all the relevant file-associations itself but occasionally it goes wonky.

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 14/3/12, Gordon Burgess-Parker <> wrote:

From: Gordon Burgess-Parker <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't openi odt Files
Date: Wednesday, 14 March, 2012, 9:19

On 13/03/2012 21:54, Bernie Doran wrote:
I uninstalled Open Office and then installed LO 3.4.  Now my computer (running XP) tells me it 
can't open any .odt files, and to make an association in Folder Options, Control Panel.  I have 
tried unsuccessfully to do this.  I cannot find LO listed under Recommended Programs on my 
computer, or on the Web Server. Can someone please help?


Right-click on an odt file in Windows Explorer, choose "Open With" and navigate to C:\Program 
Files\LibreOffice 3.4\program\ and choose swriter.exe
Make sure the box "Always use this program to open this file type" is checked.
OK out.
See if that helps.

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